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GRADES 8, 9, AND 10

GRADE 8: On Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. eighth grade students at Sinai begin to engage in learning outside of the traditional classroom setting. The Eighth Grade Calendar reflects the three components to the 8th grade curriculum:

  • SPARK/HeartAction:  During this segment of the year students and our own Sinai Senior Citizens engage in text study on how Judaism looks at aging while participating in tilun olam and tzedakah projects.
  • Community: How did we get here? Students spend six weeks learning how our community developed. Students visit local Jewish agencies and institutions and learn how and why each came about in our local community.
  • Sacred Choices: The final area of study for eighth grade looks at issues that begin to face students during their early teen years. Sacred Choices supports teens in making good choices regarding dating, drugs, peer pressure and other important social issues

GRADE 9: On Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m., on a schedule that respects students’ changing academic needs, students will examine vital contemporary issues affecting their daily lives, from a Jewish perspective. The Ninth Grade Calendar contains the schedule.

  • Sacred Choices: In the autumn of ninth grade, students continue to study how Judaism looks at social relationships and begin to learn about sexual ethics in a Jewish way. Sacred Choices supports teens in making good choices regarding sex, dating, drugs, healthy relationships and other important social issues
  • Judaism in Politics:  During the spring term students will examine contemporary political issues concerning them as Jews and as Americans. The year culminates with a four day trip to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington D.C. where they participate in an annual L’Taken Seminar. It is a wonderful and exciting year! See pictures of last year's 9th graders at the RAC.

CONFIRMATION: Students spend their tenth grade learning with the Rabbi, exploring Torah, delving into important contemporary Jewish issues and examining their own Jewish identity. Confirmation takes place on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. Each evening begins with a class dinner.

© 2017/5777 Sinai Temple 1100 Dickinson St. Springfield Massachusetts 01108