Passover Pages of Sinai Temple
Family Activities for Passover

A Seder for 4-and 5-year-olds

The seder with its story telling, number significance, role playing and repetition is right up their alley. Enjoy together the interactive, interpersonal experience of retelling our story with this Developmentally Appropriate PESACH SEDER for 4 and 5 Year-Olds

Passages: An Immigrant’s Journey

From the National Museum of American Jewish History

Beth Grossman, a California artist, illustrated her great-grandmother’s journey from Russia to America on a series of painted doorways. Tour this online exhibit at

Personalize the tour by creating a series of doorway illustrations of your own family’s journey of immigration.

Passover Pillowcases

At Passover we are told to recline, a physical symbol that represents our freedom from the hard toil and labor of our ancient Israelite ancestors. We can accomplish this at the seder table by leaning back on pillows placed on our chairs. Have each family member create a decorated pillowcase to be used at the seder. Purchase white or light colored pillowcases, pre-wash them and then let your family decorate the pillowcases with fabric paints, using images from the Haggadah, the story of the Exodus, Hebrew words or phrases from the Haggadah, or decorations of the artist’s choice.

Place cardboard inside the pillowcase as you work to avoid painting the two sides together. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for making the paints colorfast. Depending on your sewing skills, pillowcases also can be made from scratch out of white or off-white muslin fabric. Then proceed as directed above.

For the Whole Family

You can listen to Passover music by purchasing the CD - Celebrate Passover (CD) Produced by Craig Taubman.  A wonderful compilation of songs for the holiday by contemporary artists. You can also listen to Cantor Levson singing familiar Passover melodies on this website.